#LessAndMore: Seriously Cool Notebooks For The Writer, Scribbler and Doodler

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“The pen is mightier than the sword”. If you swear by these words, these notebooks are what you need to get ASAP. Writing your feelings down, doodling your imagination or scribbling those random thoughts that come and go, putting pen to paper can be exceptionally therapeutic. If you’re as fixated on stationery like we are and notebooks generally feature in your paraphernalia, then you definitely need to get these.

Moleskine Notebook

A Moliskine user will become a loyalist the minute your pen touches paper, and then you just wouldn’t want to have it any other way. If old-school is your thing, a Molskine’s THE thing for you. Aesthetics, design, flexibility — it’s got everything. It’s also said that the likes of Oscar Wilde and Ernest Hemingway used books similar to this piece of art. Minimal design, a ribbon and ivory pages — this truly is a luxury.

Price: INR 2,379

Buy it online here.

Rubberband Notebook

Coloured pages FTW, guys! This notebook comes with totally awesome yellow pages, smooth to move your pen on, easy to carry and they’re seriously going to inspire you to write, draw, sketch or whatever it is you do best. Mumbai-based Rubberband is a pretty good alternative to the Italian Moleskine, if you’re on  a budget.

Price: INR 445

Buy it online here.


Chandni believes in magic and worships Led Zeppelin. Summer is her favourite season, and Sunday her favourite day. When she's not reading the books on her checklist, she's writing for her blog. Farming and baking are what fill her soul and she likes colouring her hair to kill boredom.