Help Santa Spread The Xmas Cheer By Donating To These Orphanages

The information in this post might be outdated

'Tis the season of giving. If you want to make Christmas a joyful time for little ones in need, here's a handy list. All the orphanages on this list accept donations and distribute them to the needy and underprivileged.


Not only does Goonj do infrastructure-related work in rural India, but they have also made notable contributions in the fields of menstrual hygiene and education. This festive season (or at any given point of the year, really), head here to donate books, stationery, clothes, blankets or shoes.

Makkala Jagriti

Makkala Jagriti offers educational opportunities to children who otherwise wouldn't be able to afford it. They accept donations in the form of learning aid, be it educational books, toys or computers that are in good condition. Make sure to call their head office before going there to make your contribution.


Swanthana is a loving home that looks after abandoned female children who are also mentally challenged and spastic. Donate here gently used clothes, toys and books. You can even volunteer to spend some of your time with the kids here.


BOSCO was set up in 1980 to offer services to the Young At Risk. This includes child labourers, victims of child abuse, rag pickers and so on. They have seven rehabilitation centres in the city. You can make them an online donation through their website or volunteer your time with the kids.


Shishumandir is a children's home that runs on charity. They give free education and vocational training to underprivileged kids, and also seek to help the parents of these children by helping them get the skills to find gainful employment. You can donate funds or clothes, toys, utensils, grocery and furniture. You can even contact them over the phone and ask them for a list that might be of use to them currently