Save This Home Baker's Number To Have Your Cake And Eat It Too!

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 Tea time, themed, or treating yourself, Ravella’s cakes and bakes makes the best home baked goodies for all moods.

Great For

Desserts, Home Delivery 

What Makes It Awesome

Desserts from home bakers always seem to taste better than store bought ones (probably because they sprinkle an extra dose of love in the batter?), and Ravella’s cakes and bakes are no less. In the baking business for over a decade, the Ravella Deane has been sharing the love for over two decades from her apartment on Richmond Road. 

Like us, if you can’t bake if your life depended on it, but want to indulge in home style baked goodies sans fancy decoration and icing and all the other fluff, you should hit her up. You’ll get pure cake and nothing more. The hottest selling cakes are the chocolate fudge cake, coffee cake, brownies, and cheesecake. For when your sweet tooth isn’t making the decision, try out the quiche, and if you’re really lucky ask for the meatloaf.

Unlike other home bakers, Ravella’s doesn’t offer home delivery, so you’ll have to pick up your order (or just get it Dunzoed, if you’re not up to making the trip). The cakes are made to order, so place it 48 hours prior, and if you’re really nice, you can get your order customised. 

What Could Be Better

We wish they had a larger presence online.


For an updated list of her products (the one on Facebook is pretty old), Whatsapp her, and she'll be happy to share it with you


Happy Earth = Happy People. Coffee = Happy Me. Should tell you enough about me.