From Colombian To Nilgiris, Have You Checked Out Social's Big, Fat Coffee Menu?

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Church Street, Koramangala and Whitefield Social all have a new and, might we say, fantastic coffee menu. From international coffees from countries like Colombia and Guatemala to homegrown single estate and single origin coffees, it’s quite the caffeine kick. Plus hipster, manual brewing devices.

Global To Local

Social’s new coffee menu says that they are committed to bringing you the “dopest coffee on the planet” and making sure that you drink it “freshly roasted”. Apparently, there is a micro-roaster on the premises who makes sure that he or she roasts each kind of coffee daily and in small batches for maximum effect. And the best part? You can try a cup {all coffees are priced at INR 150 a cup} or even buy a bag of them {1/4 kg, 1/2 kg and a kilo}, if you love what you have just tried.

Now let’s talk about the coffees. There are eight Indian single estate and single origin coffees to choose from here. Sourced from estates of Chickmagalur, Baba Bundagiri Hills, Araku Valley and the Nilgiris’ {Blue Mountain} plantations, coffee snobs, you will be spoilt for choice. Want to try something international? Then you can try coffees from Colombia Guatemala, Ethiopia and Kenya. Plus, they also serve decaf.

Espresso To Cold Brew

Love your espresso? Then you have seven different kinds to pick from — Bombon {espresso with sweet condensed milk} to Flat White {micro foam over double shots of espressos} and Affogato. There’s also the famous Vietnamese Egg Coffee and the Bulletproof version. Hipsters, you will be happy to know that Social also does a cold brew, hand-pulled nitro coffee and an iced pour over.

If you are finicky about the brewing methods of your posh coffee, then you will be pleased with Social’s 8 kinds of brewing processes. Pick from Syphon, we tried this method for our Columbian coffee and were amazed at the syphon because it resembled something straight out of our chemistry lab, and the coffee that emerged also looked like an experiment, albeit a good one. Then there’s also the French Press, Pour Over, Aeropress, Drip Pot, American Press, Cold Brew and the good old Espresso Machine.


Amrita is a cat lady, mommy to a fiesty toddler, hoarder of cookbooks and indie magazines, and a serial watcher of crime shows. Also loves the Kardashians and Eva Chen to bits.