Sotally Tober Has A New Outlet In The City & You've Gotta Visit It

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What Makes It Awesome?

Sotally Tober has a new outlet at Residency Road. After a successful run at Kormangala, they opened their second branch at CBD on Residency Road.

The decor is a mix and match of classic and modern designs. The impeccable service even on a packed launch day was truly impressive. And while everything on the menu looks great, I personally loved the mocktails, pork belly, and pasta.

If they continue to do as great as they did on their first few days, then it's going to become one of the best bars in Bangalore.

How Much Did It Cost?

INR 1,000 - INR 3,000

Best To Go With?

Bae, Big Group, and Family.

Blogger @BANGALORExpress - A blog on food , Travel and Lifestyle