Srimoyi Yoga Retreat

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Located in Bellandur, Srimoyi Yoga Retreat offers six-week sessions for mothers-to-be. The classes are offered to pregnant women in their second trimester and only after you have your gynaecologist’s permission. Held on Wednesdays {usually in the morning}, the classes will see you execute a mix of pranayamas and asanas that help you prepare for a natural birth. The instructor will also focus on helping you ease any of the discomforts {like lower back pain, calf pain, or digestive troubles} that you may have. The prenatal yoga classes not just prepare you for a healthy pregnancy but will also help your recover faster after your delivery.

Price: On Request


Navya considers herself to be the Cassandra of the 21st century – no one ever listens to the wisdom that she so willingly imparts. This is the only Greek tragedy element in her otherwise happy life. She’s got her Husband Charming, has perfected the art of sarcasm, is always fed copious amounts of good food, and is well on her way to self-actualization.