The Best Of Vegetarian Street Food From All Over The World

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What Makes It Awesome?

Visited Street Storyss last weekend for lunch, and even though it was vegetarian, I adored absolutely every dish they served. The concept of this place is bringing together the best of street foods from all over the world, and they've done a great job at that. The ambience in itself is quite soothing and well lit. It has some amazing artefacts and lamps, plus the colour scheme is nice and vibrant which makes you relaxed the instant you step inside. Then it's the food which bowls you over and leaves you with that satisfied smile on the face. The following section gives a brief overview of all the dishes that I tried there:

For drinks I tried:

Kokum Masala (8.5/10) - This was Thumbs Up mixed with Kokum Syrup and loads of chaat masala. The chaat masala was so strong that it hit the nose with every sip that we took. Even then, it was impossible to keep the glass down as it was so delicious.

Nimbu Paani (8.5/10) - Another refreshing drink, the twist in this was that it was served with pomegranate seeds. That added a little more earthiness with that seedy after taste and of course more nutrition!

For food I tried:

Papad and Khakhra (8.5/10) - Crispy papad and khakhra (which were outside) served with guacamole, tomato salsa and mix of pineapple and corn, this was a nice option as well.

Compress Watermelon and Lychee (9/10) - An refreshing dish, this was a brilliant combination of watermelon, lychee and feta, in a sweet lemon dressing. The watermelon was so sweet and made for an amazing combination with the feta.

Mango and Raw Papaya Salad (9/10) - Also known as Som Tam which originated in South East Asia, this was made from grated raw mango and papaya strands which were so fresh that they still had that crunch to them. The addition of honey and roasted peanuts added that earthy flavour that just made you dive into it again and again until it was all over. Not only was this delicious, but also packed a lot of nutrition with no calories.

Thai Corn Cake (9/10) - A dish that I tried for the first time, but will remember forever. This was made by making a puree out of corn and coconut, and then frying it in this shape. Garnishing in the form of fried garlic was added on top. The cake just melted in the mouth and gave such a rich and smooth feel. Those fried garlic pieces added that perfect earthy flavour.

Teen Cheese (9/10) - I quite loved this pizza, especially the crust which was something new. They have this option of making a beer fermented pizza, which is slightly more flavourful in itself and airier. The topping was amazing, not only in terms of cheese but the finely chopped garlic that they added.

Rajma Ghee Khichdi (9/10) - This was a cross between a khichdi and a risotto, so not only did this have cheese but also served with ghee. All these ingredients made this extremely flavourful and rich, and it's something that you must try.

Textures of Eggplant (9/10) - Another amazing dish, which had eggplants done 3 ways. The first was the Indian way which was more of the bharta variety, with a nice tomatoey base and was topped with fried small eggplants. The third was babaghanoush which is a Middle Eastern take and all of these came together so well. All of this was served with fluffy pita to wipe off with.

For desserts I tried:

Frozen Gulkand Kheer (8.5/10) - This was a great tasting dish, with gulkand and finely chopped nuts adding a delicious flavour and texture to this. A nice and comforting option to end your meal with.

Frozen Coffee Malai (8.5/10) - This was something different, one that you wouldn't expect to try elsewhere. It was coffee thickened with some rusk and cream and served with more rusk crumbs. The coffee flavour was nice and strong and served with rusk which added a nice contrast in terms of textures as well.

Overall, an amazing place, one that is here to say. Not only is it a heaven for all vegetarians, but the flavours and taste that they provide, even the non-vegetarians will be pulled here again and again. Looking forward to coming back here again and try some other options that they have.

How Much Did It Cost?

₹1,000 - ₹3,000

Best To Go With?

Family, Bae, Kids

Avid food blogger, under the name Stomach Ek. "Ek" means one, and thus I try to help you fill that "one stomach" with the best food possible. You can follow me on Instagram at On Facebook at And my blog at