Make Note:This Pinteresty Stationery Label Makes Ordinary Notepads Extraordinary

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What Makes It Awesome

Do you know what bubble tea, lazy pandas, pastel watercolours and a garden full of flowers have in common? Don't whack that brain. It's simple. They bring us joy and they look exceptionally beautiful on notepads. Know how we know? Because we came across our latest stationery crush, The Notepad Collective. If the name doesn't give it away already, the label for now, deals exclusively in notepads. 

Make a purchase or two and watch your creative ideas flow wild and free or keep track of your thoughts and musings not just on basic old notepads -- but ones with super aesthetic designs and pastel colours. We have heart eyes for pretty much everything we spot on TNC's collection. What we see are delicate, pinteresty type doodles and patterns -- everything from avocado themed, to retro, a watercolour collection, and minimalist to good vibes only. TNC doesn't crowd the whole page with this, only limiting the styling to the edges/corners of every page.

The designs are high quality but care is also taken to choose the right size and type of paper. All TNC's notepads are 4.1'' L x 5.8'' W (perfect snug size), use 90 GSM maplitho paper, is printed in full colour and has 50 tear-off pages. The entire range is priced at INR 250 only. The stationery bug in us has already placed orders, just click on Enquire Now to place your order and hoard all things pretty.


TNC will be expanding their stationery line soon.


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