Dine In Tents & Make Travel Plans: Koramangala's Travel Cafe Is Giving Us Major Wanderlust Goals

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We were pretty bummed out when Koramangala’s other travel cafe, Off The Radar, shut down. But we have good news. Say hello to The Vacationers Cafe, which takes travel quite seriously.

Plan A Trip

It’s safe to say that The Vacationers Cafe is a travel cafe designed for the travelling community and anyone who’s looking for a dose of wanderlust. Enter an Inta-worthy rooftop setting that overlooks Koramangala’s Hosur-Adugodi road and is done up with pretty planters, a world map, and repurposed tree trunks for stools and tables that look like suitcases. And on the side, two tents for you to park yourself with your date or BFF for some private time or major gossip sesh. Yup, the tents aren’t props, people! You can sit inside them and plan everything from a night ride to Nandi Hills to an all-out Eurotrip {or Goa, depending on the budget}.

The travel-theme goes into an overdrive in the indoor space that’s filled with tables for two, community seating, and a whole lot of travel paraphernalia. But catching your eye is the boat prop against the backdrop of a large vinyl poster displaying some of the world’s major architectural wonders {you know Taj Mahal, Sydney Opera House, and the likes}. It’s the cafe’s de facto selfie spot no doubt. Clueless about where to travel next? The generously stacked bookshelf is full of travel books, itineraries, and guides to help you out. Just remember to put it back once you are done reading. Oh, lest we forget, there’s a wall covered with stamps from all over the world. If you have a philatelist in the group, you know where to bring them now, right?

World On A Plate

It’s an eggetarian world on a plate to be precise with the cafe menu covering a bit of Chinese, Italian, Indian, and Mexican. While we enjoyed the Visa Vada Pav, we did spot munchies that we would definitely try the next time we are here. Starting with Captain Crispy Chilli Potatoes, we intend to work our way through Passenger Pasta Arrabiata before wrapping up things with the Selfie Sizzler that comes with momos.

The drinks menu for us is all about the mojitos with the Sangria made with sparkling wine, lime juice, and chopped apples, pineapples, and grapes getting our nod. There’s a Fig Mojito that caught our attention as well. Both these come in pitcher options as well, so that’s a winner with us. Plenty of milkshakes for anyone who wants a sugar rush.

Travel, Meet, Repeat

In tune with the theme, the cafe hosts travel-related events and gatherings with the travel community, and that’s something to look forward to.


The cafe is located above the Bata showroom next to Shoppers Stop in Koramangala.


An Instagram-addict who’s also an aspiring chef, a foodie, and a comic book geek who binge watches The Simpsons every week.