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Trihedron has yoga, dance and aerobics on offer, hence the name. One membership and you can pick from any of these or you can workout with their traditional gym equipment.

Find out more here.


The energy behind Fitternity, Neha is an ex-HR Professional who let her love fitness make her an entrepreneur. If she is not busy running India's largest fitness discovery and booking platform, she can be spotted enjoying a run or trying out a new fitness activity. Watch her face light up when you discuss a good workout, chocolate cake or the yummiest coffee with her. Fitternity is India's largest fitness discovery and booking platform. With over 10,000 gyms, fitness studios and services listed on the platform, it let's you discover your favourite fitness fix from gym, yoga, zumba, marathon training, crossfit and much more! Get the app or log on to if you have fitness on your mind in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore and Pune.