Bring Your A-game and Competitive Spirit to Waterfront Board Gaming

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Pradyot Anand’s boardgame weekends will introduce you to his collection of over 100 games. And some you may not have even heard of.

Game on

Essentially a non-commercial, newcomer-friendly weekend casual game group in Bangalore, Waterfront Board Gaming, was started by Pradyot Anand and his wife, Tavleen. Intended to just bring together likeminded people who love to bring out the friendly competition through a board game, he has a collection of over 100 games, mostly from America, and you can rest assured your weekend will be stellar! Each session will usually see six or seven games being played so that no one is really bored.

Tell me more

Pradyot will set out different kinds of games to pique a larger group’s interest so expect to be playing lighter games that last about half an hour while the main focus is on the Spotlight Games. Those take a bit longer and last up to 90 minutes, we’re told. We’re super pumped that the current favourite games are Cleopatra & The Society of Architects where players are master architects who construct a 3D palace for Cleopatra. You can enlist the help of a few dodgy characters and make substandard buildings but that’s obviously to your disadvantage.

Tzolk’in is another very interesting game wherein you are members of Mayan tribes and you compete with other teams to win the favour of gods. Want some Tomb Raider sort of excitement? Make sure you’re around for Forbidden Island. You’ll need to form a team, find four sets of treasure and scoot before the island sinks. Sounds fun, no?

How can I be part of it?

It’s really quite simple. Since there is no entry fee or membership payment involved, all you need to do is join their group here and then keep your eyes peeled for the game weekends. Then, hop along to their place with your competitive spirit in check, and play on.

So we’re thinking…

Whether you’re a novice, a hardcore board-gamer or something in between, join this group for banter and friendly-competition. See you there, folks! Join this group and your weekends will never be the same.

Join the group here.

Find them on Facebook here.


Part-time writer and full-time dreamer. If you love coffee, travel, books, hikes and hot chips, we'll get along just fine!