Yummy Marshmallows From The Sweet Whisk

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What Makes It Awesome?

The Sweet Whisk is an Instagram Page. They provide homemade Marshmallows, Ice creams, Brownies and Cookies. One can customize the Marshmallows as well. There are many flavours available for Marshmallows.

They have also come up with the new Bookies which is a combination of brownies and cookies. These are so chocolaty, chewy and super fudgy. They are crunchy from outside and so soft from the inside. One should try this.
Their new addition is Twix Cookies which is a cookie version of the candy bar. This is my personal favourite.

Check them out at Instagram handle The Sweet Whisk.

How Much Did It Cost?

₹500 - ₹1,000

Foodie Engineer Dancer