Free Your Kids From Gadgets With These Awesomely Insightful Newsletters

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What Makes It Awesome

Tidbits is an online and printed newsletter service for kids started to influence them into reading. Sarah, the founder of Tidbits, felt that traditional newspapers for kids focussed on the age group of 12 and above and she wanted to cater to the interests of the children even younger than that. And that's how Tidbits came into being. 

Tidbits covers all topics that a kid in this world must know and packages them in a way that will sound appealing. Even we found them interesting. Environment, technology, sports and success stories of other child prodigies - you can find it all in their monthly newsletter. It also consists of a running story - a brain games section with activities for kids, book reviews, crafts, recipes and more! So much to learn and all of it made super fun! 

Tidbits' online subscription is priced at INR 10 per issue and the printed version at INR 30 per issue. Trust us, this is the best gift a kid can get! Another initiative run by the same brand is called TidBox that offers curated books which can be gifted to the brats in your life. These boxes don't come under a subscription system and can be customised according to different age groups and are priced between INR 500 to INR 1500. 


Tidbits is working on its next upgrade which is printing in Braille. Look out for this and send them all your love and support.


Environmentalist, Ultimate Frisbee Athlete, Entrepreneur.