These Chennai Illustrators On Instagram Are Goals & You Can Even Buy Their Art

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Check out some of the most creative minds our city has to offer with these talented illustrators showcasing their work on Instagram. With separate styles of their own, each will appeal to you in different ways. Plus, you can buy some of their quirk art works for yourself.

Bhavya Desai

This Illustrator’s work on Instagram is as colourful as it is happy. He’s super active on Instagram and posts really cool doodles that he draws and renders. Some of those sketches he later sells as coasters or cups, and you can check them out here. What we like about his Insta page is the amount of fresh content he keeps putting up and how his cartoons are over the top and unique {reminds us of the old comic Beau Peep}. Be sure to follow him so that you can check out his regular widely anticipated Insta story sketch tutorials, where he outlines some of the techniques he uses as he creates his own sketch. Have you also seen his Mylapore-inspired designs? No? Check it out here.

Follow him on Instagram here.

Jemma Jose

This Insta account is by an illustrator and 2d animator who is amazing at sketching. Her posts largely revolve around sketches inspired by every day themes. What we like about her work is that it’s very detailed yet simple, especially the way she draws faces in her pocket sized sketches. Her coloured sketches are bright and powerful, like her illustration of Ogden Nash’s The Adventures of Isabel.

Follow her on Instagram here.

Nitika Alé

An artist and an illustrator, Nitika Ale’s Instagram page is a collection of her endeavours in oil painting, watercolour painting, drawings, sketches and more. The theme of her work is human centric with a lot of illustrations of faces and eyes and what stood out for us her skill at how shows facial expressions. There’s a really pretty time lapse video of her making a water colour painting too. Her online shop will be launched soon, so check her Insta handle for deets and updates.

Follow  her on Instagram here.



Once you’re done giggling at this Chennai artist’s handle {it’s exactly what you’re thinking, by the way!} check out her really cool illustrations. Parvathy Subramanian loves illustrating anything and everything that inspires her. Her artistic style can be both colourful and fun, and deep and thought-provoking at the same time and there’s a lovely local Tamil feel to it. She explores various themes; she is currently working on a Bath series where she illustrates how her mum used to give her a bath when she was a kid. She’s even done a number of illustrations inspired by love and dating which we absolutely love. Just in time for Valentine’s Day, eh? She sells her work only on months when she works on particular projects, but if you like something just drop a line on her Instagram inbox and she’ll get back to you!

You can find her on Instagram here.


Loves pizzas, writing and playing Fifa. Full-time Ultimate Frisbee player, part-time pop music listener and hopeful Olympian in 2024.