Take The Coolest, Most Mind Boggling Pics At India’s First Interactive Art Museum

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What Makes It Awesome

Click Art Museum located in the VGP Snow Kingdom, Injambakkam is one museum that isn’t filled with artefacts from the past. Instead, it has 24 art displays that will surely bring out your fun side. As you enter, you’ll be in awe at the marvellous display of click art where every piece of art comes alive only when the viewer enters the frame.

They even have strategically marked spots at each display that’ll help you capture the 3D effect well. So, you can go ahead and monkey around by taking tons of selfies with a chimp but behave, or Bruce Lee will kick you out! Feel hungry? Catch an apple offered by Adam as Eve watches. You can also shrink like the kids in Honey I Shrunk The Kids or fly like a bird, a plane or Superman! 

That’s not all, there’s a whole lot more than you can do at the Click Art Museum like get your body cut in half, fight a charging bull, and dodge a snake slithering right at you. We don’t mean literally! Or do we? Before you walk out of the museum, don’t forget to collect your very own Oscar for being a stellar poser!

The best part about the Click Art Museum is the fact that it’s fun for all who walk in, no matter what age you are. Open between 10 am and 8 pm, the entry fee for adults is INR 150 and for kids is INR 100. If you’ve been looking for your Alice In Wonderland moment, then head down this rabbit hole for an amusing Insta feed!

For the best theme parks in Chennai, click here. 


Make sure you have ample time on hand when you visit, so you enjoy the museum to the fullest and get there early (preferably before noon) to steer clear of the crowd.


Prefers Chinese and Biryani over the world, full-time blabberer, part-time book worm and a self-proclaimed artist because writing bad poetry is an art.