Stuck At Home? Here's How You Can Turn It Into A Fun Vacation

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Couldn't make it to that beach destination you had planned this summer? Away from all the emails and calls, gorging on indulgent meals and absolutely no hurry to wake up? But instead, you're holed up at home. Definitely something to despair about. But what if we told you it's not as bad at it seems, because you can still do all of that while being home? Don't believe us? Check out these ideas that are fun, spontaneous, BUDGET and also will bring your vacation to you. Grab a drink and read on! 

Get Rolling With The Beach Life

We promise this is the only rule you have to follow. Just like how you would have let your colleagues know about your leave had you taken that trip, put your work-brain (and commitments) to rest and just cut yourself off from your daily routine. Instead, whip up a tropical smoothie or make a cocktail and relax! Perfect way to kickstart your vacation. 

Kiss Your Routine Goodbye

What's the best part about being on a vacation? You can wake up whenever you want, eat whatever you want and enjoy plenty of downtime, so do exactly that now. Have dessert for lunch, put on your best clothes or jump around in a PJ all day. Stay up for as long as you want. If you've got little ones at home, spoil them (judiciously) with their favourite treats, camp out in the living room or backyard and play games. It's a vacation - so let loose and have fun! 

Bring Out The Relaxi-Taxi

Fancy indulging in a spa sesh while on vacation? Then why should this one be an exception? Take out a tray and stack it up with essential oils, cool towels, aromatherapy products, face masks - whatever you have. Put on some good, soothing music, pour some bubbly in a fancy glass and then get pampering. You would have recreated the simplest spa ambience at home. 

Globe -Trot Virtually

Whether it is your original vacation destination or any other country or place you've had on your bucket list - explore more about that destination from your home. Take virtual tours of museums, temples, city streets on the Google Arts & Culture platform, sign up for a course in learning the regional language of the place or even try cooking the local cuisine at home (You can also order in). Live the whole experience from the comfort of your home. 

Do Something Spontaneously

It's a vacation and that means you've got to let loose and just go with the flow. So, one day or for however you long want, don't have a plan. just do what your heart pleases - sleep for however long you want, binge on Netflix shows, just play games - the only challenge is - you've got to act on your creative ideas and see where they take you. 



Explorer. Writer. Dancer.