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A traditional store that houses all possible kinds of sarees, KalaNiketan is for every kind of shopper, no matter what your budget. For starters, we found a satin, silk stone border sarees within INR 5,000. In fact they have a 10 per cent discount going on right now, and another offer, which includes a free readymade blouse with the saree! These are actually trendy blouses that would easily cost another INR 2,000-3,000 in any other store. This was definitely one of our most tempting
stops. They also showed us some plain coloured in indo-western gowns that looked very very wedding appropriate and were also affordable, being within INR 5,000. If we were to pick up something here though, it would be from the saree section only.


Entrepreneur, writer, and karaoke junkie. Jane of all trades and Queen of none (yet).