November Is The Best Month Of The Year, Thanks To This Books Exhibition

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What's Happening

Calling all bibliophiles in the house. The Penguin Random House Classics festival is here at Starmark and we can't keep calm. Check out a hand-picked selection of books for adults and kids. 

For young readers, there's a range of books from leading publishers like Puffin & Vintage Children Classics. As for adults, there's a  whole range of collections from the Penguin Black classics, Modern Classics, Vintage classics, Everyman classics, Bantam Classics, NYRB Classics, and Premium Leatherbound Classics. Another highlight of this year’s festival is the Murty Classical Library of India which will have the greatest literary works of India from the past two millennia. 

How's The Venue

Besides the exhibition, also browse through the different books and stationery products that the store has. 

Make A Note

That’s not all. Enjoy 10 per cent off on the purchase of four books and 20 per cent off on any purchase above five books at the store.


Entertainment and lifestyle journalist. An avid traveler. Movie enthusiast. Rahamaniac. Love all things cheese. Sucker for online shopping. Well, this completes me!