The Collection Of Some Amazing Books For Kids At This Bookstore In Alwarpet!

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What Makes It Awesome?

Tucked away in a quiet street off of TTK road, Tulika bookstore instantly makes one smile at their collection of colorful books for children. (Poetic name that! Tulika in Hindi means paintbrush) Their collection is just so lovely - be it the book with no words and only illustration - of a granny who lost her πŸ‘“ or the Indian authors' books which refreshingly rule the shelves and minds of young ones in Chennai these days! (Where is the Pooni series, Gajapati Kulapati et al) The staff are friendly and helpful.

I went there to 'quickly' pick up books to gift my friend's children but ended up lingering and savoring the titles and pages that feed the sense of wonder in little people! :)

How Much Did It Cost?

Under β‚Ή500

Best To Go With?


Freespirit. Seeker. Egalitarian. Chennaiite. Newmom