The Martial Arts from Kerala – Kalari

The information in this post might be outdated

Kalari, or Kalaripayattu, is martial art which has been a part of Kerala’s history and culture for a long time now. Retaining its intrinsic qualities, there is an increasing number of people turning towards wanting to learn self defence. Not only are you taught self defense techniques but it also acts as a fitness boost. When learning kalari, the different aspects you will be introduced to are the breathing exercises, how to warm up, meithari, kolthari and yogasanas. Learn a lot in one art form!

Dare to try? Then head to ShajiKalari and Sparrc. Known all over India for teaching Kalari in its purest form, Shaji and the teachers at Sparrc will more than help you learn how to defend yourself.


Sports Enthusiast. TV show binge-watcher. Love Chai, Indie Music and Man Utd. A writer by day and a reader by night!