Experience Freedom And Creativity At This One Of A Kind Weaving Workshop!

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Saori Weaving

What's Happening

Has weaving been a fascinating art to you? Then you should try the freestyle weaving workshop that is taking place at Shuttles And Needles. But what is freestyle weaving? In freestyle weaving, there are no rules, no restrictions. One does not need to follow samples, or there are no mistakes. In fact, no two weaves can ever be the same. This workshop is all about exploring the process of weaving, experiment with textures and colours. You will get to use the Saori loom to weave your cloth. And as for the kind of yarn, they have cotton, cotton blends, and wools – that you can experiment with. 

At the end of this two-hour workshop, you would have woven enough yardage of fabric to either make a placemat or even a cushion cover. 

Make A Note

The best part about this workshop is that one does not require any prior exposure or knowledge on weaving.


₹1000 upwards

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