10 "Utility" Items You Didn't Know You Needed From Hitplay

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We've all trolled through sites like 9gag and come across cutesy dinosaur tea infusers, beer helmets and other ridiculous things which make us go "take all my money." Hitplay's making it possible to get our hands on this merch.

Here are our top picks from the website.

Toilet Football

We know you're not catching any Pokemon while seated in the bathroom; don't let this be a party pooper. The Toilet Football set provides you with golf-like sticks and mini footballs you have to get into the goal, all while seated on the pot.
Where: Buy it here.  
Price: INR 699

Hand Warmer

Winter is coming, and cold hands can' be far behind. Since you can't carry your bear with you everywhere you go, this digital hand warmer which looks strikingly similar to a computer mouse will have to do.
Where: Buy it here
Price: INR 1,499

Finger Beams

We're all guilty of teasing the cat with that laser point and these finger beams can do this doubly effectively. However, we recommend using these for when you really need to light up the party, Just slip them on, switch them on and go crazy.
Where: Buy it here.
Price: INR 199 

Toothpaste Dispenser

Who wanted to make the effort to squeeze out that last bit of toothpaste when you can have a warrior do it for you? This nifty dispenser can be hung on the wall and all you have to do is stick your toothbrush into its mouth and you get a neat line of path. And it comes with a gargle cup. So much win.
Where: Buy it here
Price: INR 399

Self Stir Mug

Saving us the hassle of searching for that damn spoon every morning and manually mixing the milk with the coffee granules and the sugar: The self stir mug. Just push the button.
Where: Buy it here
Price: INR 999 {currently available for INR 599}

Mini Horn

We don't know about you, but we often go through phases when all we want to do is annoy the living daylights out of everyone around and this mini horn is perfect for those moments. It also serves as an emergency whistle.
Where: Buy it here.
Price: INR 299

Dipping Cone

For those of you who don't like your food touching, the dipping cone is a blessing in disguise. We're going to be using this for French fries, carrot sticks and anything which we're pairing with a dip really.
Where: Buy it here
Price: INR 299

Can Carousel

Because your can collection deserves to be on the pedestal. This carousel can store up to 13 cans and the best part, it rotates. We love it.
Where: Buy it here
Price: INR 499


Make your colleagues jealous with your supply of extra air. It's also great for practicing hair flips. 
Where: Buy it here
Price: INR 799

Hamper For Singles

To accompany your ice cream tubs and rom coms when you're feeling lonely. The perfect gift hamper for someone who's just broken up: Band aids, chocolate and, an ice pack.
Where: Buy it here.

Editor @ LBB/ Poker Face/ Cakehead/ Momo Sapien/ Lip balm hoarder/ Pro online shopper/ Puppy Person/ Explorer of all things food & drinks 🍸