Go On A Virtual Vacation With Airbnb’s Online Experiences & Classes

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Every vacation, getaway, weekender, trip has been cancelled because of coronavirus and lockdown but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been saving every amazing Airbnb we've come across while planning future holidays that we'll be taking once it’s safe to travel again (2 6-month long holidays, anyone?) But until then, while stalking Airbnb’s site like a hawk, we came across their Online Experiences section. Here, you get to sign up for a ton of different activities and classes from 30 countries all around the world from your home. You can go on a virtual tour of Paris, learn how to make Mexican food from ladies in Mexico or learn how to tango from Spain!

We chose to learn how to make colourful and healthy pasta from a woman in Italy who learned it all from her Nonna (aka grandmother). Considering how things aren't easily accessible right now, she made sure to offer replacements that could be used instead. While Chiara showed us how to roll our own dough, she kept us entertained with stories about her grandmother and the town where she lives along with how the quarantine has affected her and her family. Probably the funniest (and cutest) part was watching her interact with her husband behind the camera. In 2 hours, not only did we learn how to make our pasta green and pink and basically any colour we like,  but then, we really appreciated the chance to connect with someone on an entirely different continent during some hardcore social distancing. 

There are tons of different experiences like tarot reading or a yoga session with your pets or even a roller skating dance party. Basically, whatever mood you may be in, you’ll find a class you’ll like. You just pick your preferred activity, select the date and timing and they’ll send you a Zoom link you can join (along with whatever you may need for your class). That’s it! 

Price: INR 315 onwards


Certain timings and priced higher since they’re more “ideal” but if you’re okay with timings that are slightly awkward, you’ll end up saving money even if you do have to stay up till 3 AM learning Flamenco dancing. And if nothing seemed like the perfect activity for you, they'll be adding lots more experiences in the coming months!


Constantly craving my next book, dessert and lipstick. Loves trying new food, hoarding jewellery, tulips & trips. ☁️