Allied Fruits & Florists In Khan Market Is The Grocery Store Of Your Dreams

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Camouflaged by mobile recharge shops and juicewaalas, Allied Fruits & Florists stocks avocados, marmite and the OG, super spicy Sriracha sauce!

Sunday Is For Grocery Shopping

And meal prep! So get yourself a big bag and head to Khan Market. Allied Fruits & Florists is a teeny, tiny store but don’t be fooled. The shelves are heaped with exotic fruits and veggies, meat, dips, cereals, sauces and grain.

We spotted lots of Perrier, fresh grapefruits, perfect-looking avocados, asparagus, marmite {although opinion is divided on whether we love or hate this condiment} and an assortment of dips, including salsa sauces and peanut butter.

Pass The Pasta

If you’re in the mood to cook up a storm, we definitely suggest hitting up Allied Fruits & Florists. There’s some Arborio Rice so you can whip up a mean risotto, they have lots of different cheeses {Camembert, Brie or good ol’ mozzarella}, whipping cream and whole-wheat pastas.

If you’re a meat-and-potatoes kinda person, get yourself some of that Kraft BBQ dipping sauce for some extra nom-nom-noms.

What Else?

Since 2017 is the year that health and fitness dreams will be realised {hey, we can try!}, we also couldn’t help but take a look around at all the good-for-you food the store has. Nourish Organics is well represented here so if you’re a fan, pick up some of their nutritious snacks.

We saw some flax powder, pumpkin seeds and really fragrant cinnamon to sprinkle over your food.

So We’re Saying…

Go to Khan Market for your groceries and head straight to Allied {located opposite Lok Nayak Bhavan}.


An aspiring journalist and a full-time writer, I eat an unhealthy amount of kimchi, have a shoe-hoarding problem and overuse the comma.