Always Wanted To Give Back To The Community? Here’s How You Can Help

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What Makes It Awesome?

Imagine being really hungry at night and sleeping empty stomach. Even the thought of it makes the stomach cringe. Doesn’t it? Now think of those souls who have to sleep without a meal with just hopes in their eyes that tomorrow might be better.

Established in August 2014, with a vision of eliminating hunger and food wastage globally this NGO- Robin Hood Army carried out their first drive. Today they are a team of 18000 plus volunteers spread over 52 cities over 14 countries with one aim in mind. To assure that everybody is well fed.

A charitable volunteer-based organisation by heart they don’t take any monetary help. All they want is your support to achieve what they’ve aimed for with the help of their partnered restaurants. They also have educational drives where they teach the tiny tots.

What's My Pro Tip?

The drives take place on Sundays and other public holidays so you don’t have to worry about not attending because of work.

They also believe in impromptu add-on drives so if you are throwing a party and have surplus food left that might get wasted or dumped in the fridge then you can just hit the roads and help fill those empty stomachs. After all, parties should be all about making everyone around happy!

The food drives go hand in hand with educational drives in some cities.

Anything Else?

Also, become a robin here - { }.

Mid-20's; Wannabe writer; Stationery hoarder; Post-it crazy; part time unicorn <3