Joaquin Phoenix once said “it takes nothing away from a human to be kind to an animal”. For years, the fashion industry has been using animals for leather bags and clothes. And thankfully, the tide has changed and animal cruelty free practices are the norm nowadays. Enter Rashki, a brand that specializes in handcrafted premium handbags, and accessories that strike a chord between modern day sensibilities and contemporary design. What’s more, they use 100% cruelty free vegan leather and other sustainable materials for their craft, which are Made in India.
Rashki is all about ‘creating craft with a cause’ and is perfect for those of us who want to make a difference and shop ethically. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a sculptor or a CEO, Rashki’s are for those of you who like to drive change. What’s more, they’re promoting local craft as all their products are manufactured in India. So if you’re like us looking for a chic bag, or a smart accessory, Rashki is your place! They’re sturdy and will last you for a long time so go ahead to their website, pick the bag of your choice and just order away!