Magic Shows, Trapeze Artists & Gymnastics: Booked Your Tickets For The Asiad Circus Yet?

The information in this post might be outdated

Asiad Circus

What's Happening

The backflipping acrobats, the gravity-defying gymnasts, the explosion of technicolour, and startled faces all around under a rainbow coloured tent—Asiad Circus is back in town for its 5th edition! They’ve been performing in and around the country for over 25 years, so you can bet on them knowing how to put on a show. They claim to have skills far better than you’ve seen in any action movie—but we guess you'll have to judge that for yourself. Don't forget to take the kids!

This time, you can catch the performances twice every day (1 pm and 10:30 pm) from 16th November to 1st December Pushpa Vihar, next to Pushpa Bhawan. 

The performances will include gymnastics, slapstick comedy, trapeze artists, magic shows, animal shows (which is the only part we really don't condone), cycle rides and more. 

How's The Venue

It's happening next to Pushpa Bhawan. Please make sure that you reach at least 20 minutes prior in order to be seated on time (and to find a good parking spot). 


₹350 upwards

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