The Backstory | Indrani Dasgupta

The information in this post might be outdated

The third edition of the backstory is here! This time, we're going with a subject that, at some level, appeals to every girl {and to most guys, even though they might not admit it.} We're talking about fashion and one thing is for sure, even if the industry in itself doesn't appeal to men, the gorgeous lady in question certainly will!

This Bengali beauty was born in Muscat, got a degree in Economics from Jawahar Lal Nehru University and wanted to become a lawyer. At 18, she took on her first modelling assignment and, being the natural that she is, hasn't looked back since. Having walked for the likes of Ritu Kumar, JJ Valaya, Rocky S and Namrata Joshipura, she has also endorsed brands like Lakme, Allen Solly and Monte Carlo, in print and on television, and has starred in a music video with Euphoria. Presenting the inner workings of Indrani Dasgupta - the self proclaimed '80's gal!'

Your name and your birthday

Indrani Dasgupta, 20 November.

What you do


Which celebrated figure do you associate yourself with?

I don’t associate with, but love love love Madonna. I guess I'm an 80's gal!

If you weren't doing what you're doing, what would you be doing?

Who knows?! With a Master’s degree in Economics, I imagine it would be in a related field.

A piece of advice given by your father/mother…

Mistakes are lessons that one should learn fast from and move on.

What can make you feel better in an instant…

A great cup of hot chocolate.

Are you an optimist or realist?

I would like to think a realist.

Your take on sarcasm…

Should be served with a touch of humor.

Words you wish you could take back…

Oh so many, especially those said to my folks in moments of plain stupidity.

The first person you’d call to share a joyous event with…

Usually my Dad.

A holiday/adventure that altered your way of thinking…

My first Scuba holiday. The beauty of the deep blue sea is wondrous.

A hobby or interest outside of work…


Your one vice…

Have quite a few! But the one that bothers me most is my love for sugar.

Most overrated virtue according to you…


Most underrated virtue according to you…


How do you define morality?

Being able to sleep soundly.

What's your idea of love?

To share, and to bring happiness to the other’s life.

What keeps you inspired everyday?

Faith in the god of small things.

If you could, how would you change the world?

Reduce mankind by half.

What is Delhi to you?

Taking one step forward and two back.

Who’s in your little black book?

Currently I'm hooked to herbal tea infusions as my mixers in my cocktails - great options in Typhoo and a couple in Twinings. Also, Anu Kaushik's beauty studio - for the best pedicures in the city.

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The LBB crew consists of ladies and gentlemen with an array of interests, who are all committed to finding something unique and exciting about the city they call home.