End Your Date Night With Creme Brûlée For Dessert At Qla

4721 Interested |

What Makes It Awesome

There is fusion, there is modern and then there is downright epic! The creme brûlée at Qla is all that and more because it's no ordinary dessert, it's infused with black truffles and it's the kind of yummy that makes you finish a portion in complete silence and then weep silently because it's over!

What Could Be Better?

With a dessert like this, nothing could be better except the hope that it was calorie free so we could have three!!

What's My Pro Tip?

While you're there, start with a tasting menu and make sure it's paired with wine.

Anything Else?

Make it a date night meal, Qla is super romantic and if you think the meal is an experience wait till you spend a whole evening there!

Chef & Mommy! Personal Mantra: eat, run, repeat 💪🏼