Big Jo's, Ebony, Fashion Flash and 6 Things We Grew up On in the Nineties

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Anyone from the golden generation {and we don’t just call ourselves that, it’s a real thing}, will know this. Before malls, fast food franchises and tech took over our days, we lived simpler lives, where there were ten staple things to do on a weekend, and we’d rally the family and skedaddle. Although some of these are still standing, with most gone, we’ll always have the memory. And age.

PS: This was circa before Gurgaon was an urban city.

Jumbo Point

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So, funny thing, but even though the NH-8 has since come in and thwarted plans of being able to sit on the roofs of our car, or our father’s shoulders, and watch planes land and take-off, if you’re driving down the highway you can still see families gathered.

Appu Ghar

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It’s found new quarters in Gurgaon, but hasn’t replaced the thrill of driving down Pragati Maidan and spotting the revolving orange Appu, and the anticipation of walking in and having the Bhoot Bangla first thing on our left.

McDonald’s in GK M Block

This was Ronald’s first home, as McDonald’s crossed seven seas to set up shop in Delhi. From numerous birthday parties, end of exam parties, and family sunday outings, hands down, the original and most iconic McD’s.

Fashion Flash

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Speaking of GK M Block, do you recall the fashion exploits in a certain basement? WuTang and Fubu jeans, those god awful platform shoes, and every other Bangkok mall export. This could actually be one change we’re grateful for; fashion got a lift, as did the crotch of the guys’ jeans.

Chanakya Movie Hall

Pre PVR, DT and M Cinema days, only one person did it right, and they were called Chanakya. After school films, tickets bought way in advance, the best popcorn, and the unsaid promise of a pre or post pizza from the Nirulas in the same complex. Classic.

Wimpy’s in CP

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Before Aurobindo started competing, and Summer House made it the burger joint du nuit, the original Wimpy’s is where all the action was at. Followed by Nirula’s or Gaylord ice cream.

Modern Bazaar

Still reigning supreme, Modern Bazaar was our first introduction to big, badass departmental stores. Remember how they’d stock foreign candy and bubble gum, both of which we’d try and score on a grocery run with the folks. Us-0, Modern Bazaar-1.

City Look

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They took urban fashion very literally, and we’re glad they did, because they were one of our few point of reference. All hail the city look, years later, someone dropped the look and added a walk.

Big Jo’s and Ebony

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This was our introduction to multi-floors, centrally air conditioned and multi-purpose department stores. Also, Big Jo’s had that awesome basement filled with imported toys and bags, and Hello Kitty knick knacks. Also who can forget the iconic blue and green logo, and the black and white for Ebony.


Our resident fun fearless female, she started her career as a features writer with Cosmopolitan Magazine. Also a trained professional dancer, her writing career was put on hold while she attempted to master vigorous jazz hands and perform anywhere else but a Punjabi wedding.