Cook Gourmet Meals


Not to let my obsession with astrology cloud my judgement but cooking a gourmet food with your girlfriends or just your sisters or mom might be a great idea for all you Tauruses out there! Okay, fine, everybody loves food, so this one is perfect for everyone. There are a couple of services in Delhi that deliver fresh ingredients to your doorstep, and also provide an entire recipe, and method in which you can cook the meal. Cook Gourmet, is one such service!  So, please go ahead and check it out.

Price: INR 600 and above


Two Things; 1.) I like to think I live life with rose coloured glasses on, but really they’re black, and I can’t see a thing. (And to be honest, that helps in unseeing the humongous sattire and mess the world is). 2.) Mostly fumbling and staggering through life as gracefully as I can, with an occasional glass of wine here and there.