Workplace Vs. Coronavirus: A Mini Guide To Staying Safe

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With more and more cases of Coronavirus being reported in the city, there’s a big need to take care of yourself and others around you and the best way to do it is by staying informed on COVID-19. Know more here. While there's no concrete evidence, there are tips you can follow to help yourself. 

1. Make sure you wash your hands frequently and thoroughly! Go up and beyond your wrists and especially after returning from a public space. Count to 20 seconds while washing.

2. Cover your mouth when you cough with a tissue or napkin. Get a mask and (ideally) change it daily if possible.

3. A little distance is key. Try and stay at least 3 ft away from someone who’s coughing. Avoid sharing things like spoons, towels, etc. for a while. Skip crowded places, too, for a while at least. 

4. Carry a hand sanitiser with you! Hands pick up lots of bacteria while you’re out and about so avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth, too. Be careful when you use your cellphones too, always sanitize. 

5. Lastly, if you’re feeling even a little under the weather, please seek medical advice. It’s always better to be safe not just for yourself but also others around you whose immunities might not be the strongest.

Practice hygiene and stay safe, y’all!


Constantly craving my next book, dessert and lipstick. Loves trying new food, hoarding jewellery, tulips & trips. ☁️