Believe It Or Not, This CP Bar Is Giving Unlimited Beer At INR 100 For 3 Full Days!

The information in this post might be outdated

Ministry Of Beer in CP is 100-days-old and it knows that there’s no better way to celebrate than by offering Dilliwaalahs cheap beer. What to expect? Well, just a bottomless pitcher of happiness for literally 100 bucks!

Yes yes, you’re rolling your eyes thinking there’s got to be a cap. So there: The offer is valid on July 16-18 {Sunday-Tuesday} and you get to pick only domestic beer. We’re also glad that there aren’t any complicated clauses like “only if you order food for INR 800 or only the first two beer bottles at that price” yada yada.

Don’t believe us? Call 8800012060 or 8800012061 for more info. {better to ring up post 3pm}.


Lover of lamps, wine & boho dresses, Rene is living her best life in Goa. Mention a cool gig or a hipster cafe & you'll instantly have her attention.