Delectable by Prerna for Home-Catered World Cuisine

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Delectable by Prerna is a home catering service with a vast menu comprising continental, Thai, Gujarati, Korean and Burmese dishes, along with seasonal specials {like a winter barbecue menu}.

Bowl-some Goodness

The good peeps at Delectable fixed us some comforting bowls of Chicken Khao Suey. They carry  the soup and the noodles, and all the other add-ons {the burnt garlic, lemon, coriander, onions etc} separately, and put them all together at your home {or wherever you’re hosting your get together}.

Unlike the tangy version we’re used to, we found the Khao Suey to be super light on spices. Prerna Law informed us that she adhered to the authentic recipe she picked up from her Burmese mother-in-law. If you want to increase the heat, the accompanying fish sauce does the job perfectly. All in all, we were satiated by the fresh and filling dish.

Put a Wing on it

Summer is coming but it’s still pleasant enough to enjoy some good ol’ BBQ. There’s a lot to choose from: Mutton Kebabs, Chicken Skewers, Tender Mutton Chops and Sticky Chicken Wings to name a few. We can vouch for the wings which, although missing the usual barbeque sauce, prove to be satisfying small bites at the beginning of a meal.

You can also opt for lighter fare such as Hummus and Lebanese Bread and Potato Salad. Since the founder is well-travelled and exposed to cuisines first-hand all across the world, there’s not much to worry about in terms of taste and quality.

Where: Saket {they cater across Delhi NCR}

Contact: +91 9717057405

Price: Between INR 500 and INR 1,200 per person {varies depending on what you choose}

Find them on Facebook here.


Editor @ LBB/ Poker Face/ Cakehead/ Momo Sapien/ Lip balm hoarder/ Pro online shopper/ Puppy Person/ Explorer of all things food & drinks 🍸