Delhi's Got Its Own Board Gaming Community!

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Time to retire your Scrabble, Ludo and Scotland Yard – we’ve got something bigger and better. Introducing Board Gamers of Delhi, a community that’s committed to getting together game aficionados and enthusiastic novices, and letting them do what they do best – play board games.

Board Game Fledgling?

Never gotten more adventurous than Professor Plum with the spanner in the conservatory? Only ever half-watched that Dungeons and Dragons movie with the bad CGI? You still won’t be out of place; in fact, the group welcomes novices into the fold.

Most of their games are newcomer friendly, and the rules are all explained thoroughly before each game starts – but if you’re still not sure you’re ready, move on to any one of the many games they’re playing that day.

Who Can Join?

Anyone. Everyone. Students, working professionals, super spies, temporarily unemployed creators of stop-motion animation and/or epic board games – all are welcome. They have a treasury of over 70 games, ranging from the more popular and well known – Clue, Settlers of Catan, Carcassonne and Power Grid to the relatively obscure – Lords of Waterdeep, Cyclades, Maha Yodha, and Hyperborea.

So, feel like staging a coup this weekend? Or some next-level military strategising? Check out their Facebook page to find out when and where they’re meeting next!


Susceptible to oddly timed paroxysms of fangirling over everything from Tommy Dorsey to Tim Riggins. Lit maniac and self-confessed millennial malcontent. Self-indulgent. Cake obsessed. Diet Coke Addict.