Delicious, Luscious And Scrumptious Makes Sugarlicious

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Cutesy and cosy, Sugarlicious is exactly what dessert dreams are made of. A bakery that has a display counter only so you can choose your dessert indulgence and just wait for them to prep it fresh while you chill.

What’s On The Menu?

The dessert bar is sugar overload; from puddings and pies to cakes pastries, tarts and more. If you’re there for a spot of dessert, choose from the singles; we recommend the Chocolate Lasagne Cup which is just like it sounds, with layers of chocolate goodness nestled into a cup of super delight.

For something that’s less on chocolate yet high on flavour, their Lemon Tarts are worth writing home about, and while you’re at it, try the Crème Brulee too.

What's So Special?

What makes Sugarlicious truly special is that the owner is usually there to make sure you choose exactly what your heart is craving, and the other thing is that everything is made or assembled fresh on order.

So you pick the dessert you like, and they plate it up there and then; no dry, stale stuff that’s been displayed for hours at Sugarlicious. This works best when it comes to cakes; we absolutely loved the Sacher Torte and the Honey Meringue Almond Cake.

And There’s More…

How can a dessert spread not include ice cream and shakes? Skip the coffee and hot chocolate and choose the Belgian Chocolate or Caramello milkshake. For something more decadent, double scoops of Roasted Almond and Chocolate Dust ice cream.

Photos: Parul Pratap


Mom and chef who moonlights as a food writer. A reluctant traveler who would rather stay put and read, run, eat and repeat her way through the week!