Hit Up Differniture For Furniture That's Both Artsy & Practical

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Started by designer Aakriti Kumar, Differniture comprises a range of furniture inspired by sculpture, without compromising on utility.

Chair up

The current collection has chairs, coffee tables, dining tables, side tables and statement pieces. Differniture caters to the urban home, but also draws inspiration from the past with its use of reclaimed wood. As aesthetically appealing as the products may be, we’re more kicked about how they’re still functional; case in point, the Book Chair which can make for a reading corner all on its own.

Futility to utility

Aakriti works with a lot of scrap material and even old wooden products that have lost purpose, and transforms them into funky furniture which is both artistic and useful. You can choose from her current collection, which makes use of sculptural techniques and rings, or opt for a completely bespoke experience with your own choice of materials.

Either way, we’d recommend picking her brain so that you end up with something one-of-a-kind which defines you.


Find out more here and find them on Facebook here.


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