Rainbow Stickers, Hashtags, Stories: Check Out The Digital Pride Festival 2.0

The information in this post might be outdated

Digital Pride Festival 2.0

What's Happening?

It's June! It's Pride month! And, our go-to social media platform, Instagram has partnered with The Queer Muslim Project for Digital Pride Festival 2.0. From new stickers and hashtags to pertinent discussions, there are many things to look out for as this initiative aims to celebrate and support the LGBTQIA+ community. The Queer Muslim Project is the largest such virtual network in South Asia.

While the first edition happened last year, we are pumped about the second edition this June. It begins on June 11 and will go on till June 27. There are five segments - creator panels, performances, panels on online safety, mental health, and a masterclass on new tools of expression such as Reels. The list of confirmed speakers include filmmaker Zoya Akhtar, illustrator and designer Sonaksha, creators Roshini Kumar, Prajakta Koli, and many others who will be talking about important issues. British Council will be co-presenting two of these events. 

Apart from these panels, there are new colorful additions for Feed and Stories to put the spotlight on the community this whole month. Expect new hashtags, story rings, rainbow stickers, and more. Exciting, right? So, go ahead, post those stories and celebrate equality and freedom!

How’s the venue?

Since it's an online event, all you need to do is IG away! *As if we don't do enough of it already*

Make a note

Watch out for your favourite speaker and their session! You wouldn't want to miss out on it.


Entry is absolutely FREE

Obsessed with sunsets, cheesecakes, pandas and Sherlock. Believer of the power in pen, words and hugs. 🌼