Here Are 7 #ExpertTips From Dash Square On How To Buy The Perfect Work Desk

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A chic, stylish, and comfortable office desk is a must for any home, especially since work from home is now a possibility for the next foreseeable amount of time. However, choosing the right desk for your space is essential. Make sure the desk inspires you to get started every morning and suits your style. At the same time, it should be functional and must take care of all your needs.

We spoke to Amruth Sampige, the co-founder of Dash Square, which is a brand that has been making luxury furniture for over 20 years now. They've won several awards such as India Excellence Awards 2020 and Real Estate And Business Excellence Award 2021 for the best luxury furniture brand. So, without further ado, let's get into it.

Choose According To Your Aesthetic And Space

We all respond positively to the aesthetics that appeal to us. Your office desk should define your style. Whether you’re a lover of vintage furniture, or a more contemporary style, the desk could demonstrate that. Not to forget, it should complement the space it is placed in. The worst thing would be to pick up a piece of furniture that looks odd. So, make sure to choose the desk design carefully that is balanced between both.

Pro-Tip: Keep a check on our home tour section to stay updated with different types of aesthetics, and find what speaks to you!

Use It As A Centrepiece

If you have a dedicated or roomy home-office space, you could invest in a great desk that becomes the central piece of furniture that defines the entire room. A grand executive desk with several drawers and cabinets at the bottom adds a stately look to any space while also taking care of all your storage requirements. They come in various styles and shapes, offering a wide selection. Though they look impressive when kept facing away from the wall, but if the space layout doesn’t allow it, you could also place them against the wall.

Pro-Tip: If you have a compact space, shop for awesome table accents instead!

The Shape Should Complement The Space

What kind of shape you prefer for your desk depends on the available space and your work requirement. From the regular rectangular desk to stylishly curved U-shaped desks, there are many shapes available. L-shaped desks are ideal for corner spaces placed against the wall, while U-shaped desks can be either placed in the corner creating an island space for the chair, or in the middle of the room away from the walls.

Sleek Desks For Small Spaces

When you plan to have an office desk within your bedroom or living room, you may not be able to set aside too much space. So a sleek desk with slender legs and built-in drawers to put away things comes in handy. Usually, these types are best used as writing or computer desks.

LBB's Pick: Roswell Study Desk from Urban Ladder (INR 12,382)

Built-In Storage Is A Must

Your office desk must offer enough storage for all the work paraphernalia, books, and gadgets you may need daily. Built-in drawers or attached cabinets and shelves under and over the desk are great, as they don't occupy extra space. So make sure you take into consideration what your needs are — this allows you to stay organized at all times.

Pro-Tip: Obsessed with organizing? Here's a list of smart organizers and storage options.

Floating Desks For Occasional Use

When you need an office desk for occasional use or perhaps have a compact space and require something that won't take up too much of it,  you could opt for a floating desk that stays off the floor. This helps avoid shrinking the area and could also be designed so that it can be folded away when not in use.

LBB's Pick: Foldable wall-mounted study table from Atmosphere (INR 8,899)

Standing Desks To Blend Health & Work

In today's time, when people are aware of the health hazards of sitting for long hours, standing desks are becoming popular. Often, a regular office desk can also be fitted with the option of standing and working or an exclusively standing desk. Now in the market, you can even find desks on which you can adjust the height according to you, so you're not stuck with one size. 

LBB's Pick: Adjustable Standing Desk from IKEA (INR 19,990)


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