#GoHereEatThis: Galettes-Des-Rois At l'Opera

The information in this post might be outdated


You’ve gotta eat the fancy Galette-Des-Rois {or King’s Cake} at a fancy place, so drop in at l’Opera at the Two Horizon Centre for some serious indulgence.

Eat What?

The Galette-Des-Rois or King’s Cake is a quintessential Christmas dessert from Europe. Sweet and loaded with nuts, this one also hides a treat. Legend has it that a figurine trinket was placed inside the cake and the person who found it received a crown, making them a queen or king.

Royalty aside, we loved the golden colour, the frangipane filling of almonds, butter, sugar and the flaky exterior.

Pair it With

Assam Crescendo from their selection of teas. A great way to cut all that buttery goodness and still keep the sugary sweetness lingering.

Anything Else?

It’s l’Opera so there’s always something else; walk out with a box of macarons while you’re at it


Mom and chef who moonlights as a food writer. A reluctant traveler who would rather stay put and read, run, eat and repeat her way through the week!