Grappus Coworking

4 Interested |

Beat the stress that comes from helming a start-up organisation at this new space in Gurgaon. They promise 3,000 sq. ft of space with lots of happy, quirky elements, so Mondays aren’t so bad anymore. There’s lots of art-work, comfy couches, music that will calm your frazzled nerves, and lots and pots of coffee.

The space is equipped with designated desks, private studies and a casual lounge for brainstorming sessions, making it perfect for innovation. If we were really trying to sell you on Grappus, and we aren’t, we’d tell you about the gaming zone, too. You could just find out more here.


The LBB crew consists of ladies and gentlemen with an array of interests, who are all committed to finding something unique and exciting about the city they call home.