Shiitake, Elm, Pink Oyster Mushrooms: This Local Service Harvests Fresh Mushrooms For Your Eating Pleasure

3524 Interested |

Green Apron

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What Makes It Awesome

Chomp on freshly harvested mushrooms and homemade snacks from Green Apron, a Bangalore-based food brand. Helmed by lawyer-turned-entrepreneur, Namrata Goenka, Green Apron is one of the rare brands, in the city, to specialise in harvesting mushrooms (of the eating kind!). Get in touch with them and they’ll hook you up with fresh shiitake and oyster mushrooms. You can also sign up for delicate elm oyster, pink oyster, and grey oyster mushrooms. If you are a sucker for fresh ingredients that are grown in sustainable environments, then Green Apron is perfect for you.

They have their king oyster mushrooms grown in Bangalore without chemicals and these are harvested only based on customer requirement. Apart from the mushrooms. We also recommend you pick up umami seasoning, made from the mushrooms, that can elevate even the most boring dish. You can use these for soups, stocks, and almost any snack. This has a blend of their shiitake and oyster mushrooms as well as other flavours such as sesame seeds, dry seaweed, garlic and chilli. 

What Could Be Better

Since the service practices sustainability, they only offer a limited number of items, depending on availability and harvest, so don’t expect them to have everything, at all times.


To place an order Whatsapp them and they'll get it home delivered to you. They are currently delivering only in Bangalore.


Navya considers herself to be the Cassandra of the 21st century – no one ever listens to the wisdom that she so willingly imparts. This is the only Greek tragedy element in her otherwise happy life. She’s got her Husband Charming, has perfected the art of sarcasm, is always fed copious amounts of good food, and is well on her way to self-actualization.