Spooky Tales: Spots In Delhi Which Are Said To Be The Most Haunted

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There’s nothing like a good spooky story, but what ups the ante is when you can actually visit a "supposed" haunted place. Although Delhi battles enough ghosts and demons metaphorically, there are actually myths, legends, and old aunties clad in white saris, that rumour has it, come out to play ever so often. If you hear the stories associated with some of these places, you'll realise that our city has its fair of spots that are some of the most haunted places in India.

Here, LBB braves the supernatural and tells you where you’ll get yourself a good scare.

Feroz Shah Kotla, Vikram Nagar

Built during the reign of Sultan Feroz Shah Tughlaq, this old fortress is famously said to be home to the djinns, fire spirits of mythology. This shadowy haunt is frequented by devotees leaving offerings and letters and lighting incense for the djinns. So when visiting these ruins don’t be surprised if these genies of Islamic mythology decide to pay you a visit!

Jamali Kamali Mosque and Tomb, Mehrauli Archeological Complex

It is named after a great Sufi saint and poet, Shaikh Jamali Kamboh, and his best aide, Kamali. Their bond has been eternised in the tomb they share next to the mosque. People who visit have reported being slapped and, almost like adding insult to injury, being pushed thereafter. As the park remains closed during paranormal rush hours, it becomes difficult to get hands-on experience of the spooks, but upon request, the ASI is willing to let you have your adventure. Just pack a lot of lights (as it gets really dark), in addition to much-needed guts. Or you could gather the courage (you’ll need lots of it) to explore this haunted place.

Mutiny House, Kashmiri Gate

The Mutiny Memorial is a memorial situated in front of the Old Telegraph Building, Kashmiri Gate, built in memory of all those who fought in the Delhi Field Force during the Indian Rebellion of 1857. Built by the British in the 1800s, people have claimed to have found decapitated body parts in motion, belonging to deceased officials. Fun!

Delhi Cantt.

Delhi Cantt. finds a mention on the all India list of most haunted places. Our paranormal protagonist here is a woman in white who comes out of the lush green and seeks a lift from passers-by.  If she is denied, she reportedly chases them, even reaching speeds equal to their vehicles, and sometimes overtaking them! It is widely believed that she was a hitchhiker who got lost in the forestry, or an unfortunate incident occurred, leaving her dead in the greenery.

Apart from the stories, Delhi Cantt. is not a place for the faint-hearted at night. It gets eerily silent and, on the whole, bears a haunted look.

Khooni Darwaza, Vikram Nagar

A place with a name such as this has got to be a haunted place, and Khooni Darwaza does not disappoint. People have reported blood dripping from the ceiling during monsoons, and voices screaming out during the night. The monument gets its name from a cold-blooded murder committed by one William Hodson. Here, three sons of Bahadur Shah Zafar were shot at point-blank range when William was in charge of disbanding the rebellion of 1857 for the British. The spirits of the three princes still float about within the monument.

Lothian Cemetery, Kashmiri Gate

The Lothian Cemetery is the oldest cemetery in Delhi. Many who died during the 1857 revolt were buried here, including Gen. Nicholson, who was shot in the head, which assumingly disfigured his head. Now Gen. Nicholson spooks people at night. Another headless soldier story is that of a young Englishman who shot himself after his love, an Indian woman, failed him when she was married off to a local. But Lothian Cemetery looks deserted and creepy even in daylight. Adding to the overall spook factor is the looming presence of a strange-looking woman who sits under a tree and offers you a drink. She is not seen every day but is known to appear often.

Sanjay Van, Vasant Kunj

Many might be unaware of the existence of this place, leave alone knowing it to be a haunted place. Sanjay Van, squeezed between Vasant Kunj and Mehrauli, is an excellent habitat for many residents and migrating birds. The DDA had taken steps to make this an ecological park, but the reported presence of a woman in a white sari swinging on an old Peepul tree might have deterred them.

Bhuli Bhatiyari ka Mahal, Delhi Ridge

One of Delhi’s lesser-known and frequented (now we know why) monuments, it is an old hunting lodge built by Feroz Shah Tughlaq in the 14th century. If you wonder how it gotthe name, there are two theories behind it. Some suggest that this place was once the home of a Sufi saint, Bu Ali Bakhtiyari, while some say that a Bhatiyarin had once lost her way and ended up in his mahal.  No one can really validate why it's considered haunted, but the truth is it lies abandoned and in the middle of the ridge. So, that coupled with the fact that enough people consider it haunted, is enough for us.

Karbala Graveyard, B.K. Dutt Colony

This particular graveyard saw its last burial in 1985, and was reserved exclusively for the funeral of tazias, the ritual coffins of Imam Husian Ibn Ali, the prophet’s grandson. The graves, few and far between, are covered with tasseled silk, broken in half, and even have plants growing out of them. Although located a short walk from IHC and three bustling market places, you’ll be uncomfortable if you’re there past sunset. Something about how isolated it is, and the birds retiring for the day doesn’t help its eerie setting.

Note from the editors: These are urban legends, and we mean no insensitivity towards anyone or their family. Also, given the current situation, please continue to practice social distancing and wear masks at all times while heading out. 


Probably found writing something under a bald tree, with my earphones on, next to a dog and a gigantic bowl of Caramel Popcorn!