Social Chhatt’s Menu and View Woo at Hauz Khas Social

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Social Chhatt brings you a completely new view – a rooftop affair, with an Indian menu to woo.

What Started as a Collab Space

Riyaaz Amlani {the man behind Mocha and all the Smokehouses} has created {successfully} a collaborative work space, aimed at fostering interaction and engagement between entrepreneurs and freelancers in the city. Spread over two floors {now with a roof} overlooking the HKV lake, the ground floor is a regular bar and cafe and the first, a work space.

All seating is cafe style and not cubicles, so if you’re alone, chances are someone else will end up sitting at your table {all about the interaction}.

Roof-ie for the Soul

As we made our way to the roof to avoid the building evening rush, we were greeted with a view to die for. Overlooking the entire lake, the Chhatt is adjacent to the fort ruins and a perfect space for the evenings. Imagine candle-lit dinners, on beds! Yes, they have tiny tables stationed on medical ward beds and the aesthetic is nothing that we have ever encountered. And we are loving it.

The menu is staunchly Indian, with splashes of European thrown in. We tried their Pink Guava and Iced Tea, which were refreshing as always. We then went in for their Malabar Chicken Lollipops. If you’re hoping for something specifically Malabari, then this will disappoint; but it tastes yum all the same.

The Main Thing is

For mains, we got ourselves the Fantastic Mutton, and were happy to note that it’s more than enough for two. Try the rich gravy with their assorted breads. We’ve also heard good things about their Anda Parathas and Seekhs.

So come out here, and enjoy the twilight. Wait till the stars come out and make a romantic dinner out of it. It’s dark enough to play footsie up there, and the drinks make it all easier. They have fans to beat the heat and the lake air to cool the environs for a perfect date.

Timings: 11am – 1am


A full time enthusiast of the 'gram', Kasturi paints and writes on her eponymous blog. She's looking to establish herself in a stable job despite her impending and current existential quarter life crisis. Not having stayed in one place for too long, she muses about the Arts and has an astronomical appetite for, well, food.