Check Out Dilshad Churi Wala For An Insane Variety Of Bangles

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What Makes it Awesome?

Dilshad Churi Wala is located behind the Hanuman Mandir at CP, and is basically a heaven for people who cannot imagine wearing ethnic without bangles.

You can find neon bangles in almost all colours there be it pink, yellow or green. Also, at Dilshad Churi Wala you can find bangles with a matte finish too. In case you're gearing up for a wedding, this is a great to head to for an endless variety of glitzy, sparkly bangles, matte, and neon ones too.


Two Things; 1.) I like to think I live life with rose coloured glasses on, but really they’re black, and I can’t see a thing. (And to be honest, that helps in unseeing the humongous sattire and mess the world is). 2.) Mostly fumbling and staggering through life as gracefully as I can, with an occasional glass of wine here and there.