Fly Up, Up & Away On These 10 & 20-Minute Dilli Darshan Helicopter Rides

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Pawan Hans, the country’s national helicopter company, lends its services to the oil sector for off-shore exploration, for rescue missions in remote parts of India and safely transports devotees to {and from} pilgrim centers like Kedarnath, However, you can also call upon Pawan Hans if you’d like a bird’s eye view of the city.

The Dilli Darshan joy rides, organised by Pawan Hans, are supposed to be quite an experience. The five-seater helicopters take you on 10 and 20-minute rides and both will set you back by about INR 5,000, so we’d opt for the latter and get the biggest bang for our buck. While this is definitely closer to ‘expensive’ on a budget spectrum, it’s definitely worth splurging on and, if you decide to go as group, the per person cost will be much lower.

We think these helicopter rides might make for a fun proposal story so if you’re planning on going down on one knee soon, add this to your list of ideas and check out their website here.

P.S. The helicopters take off from Rohini Heliport and only fly on certain dates.


An aspiring journalist and a full-time writer, I eat an unhealthy amount of kimchi, have a shoe-hoarding problem and overuse the comma.