Himmat Initiative Is Using Social Media To Find Plasma Donors For Covid Patients

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As Covid cases are, sadly, on the rise, we’re also learning a lot more about how we can help out by just generally sharing relevant information as well as something that’s recently been known to help, which is plasma therapy. Himmat Initiative is a social media campaign that’s helping Covid patients find plasma donors who could help them recover, they scour the internet to find someone online who is a match and personally connects with them to explain the process and the need of it.

 While they start off by searching for plasma donors who have recovered from Covid, they’re also associated with other NGOs such as Dhoondh, another online database for people to find plasma donors, plus they are in touch with many RWAs to find possible donors in different parts of Delhi. With these efforts combined, they try to find donors as quickly as they can, with extreme cases being campaigned for vigorously and immediately while other cases could take a day or two to find a match. 

Not only are they helping in finding possible donors, they’re also actively working to reduce the stigma around the virus and are also hosting live sessions on their Instagram to educate people about plasma donations. 


If you’re looking to register as a plasma donor, please note that there are certain restrictions that may not allow you to do so and so it’s extremely important to be educated about the entire process to ensure you’re safe. 


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