This Is One Of The Best Indian Wines You Can Have On A Budget

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If you thought wine needs to be expensive and not Indian to be good, York will change your mind. At approx INR 600 in Le Marche, this wine is made in India and is one of the better and most affordable wines I’ve had in Delhi.

The Deets

Whether you’re a wine lover, party-hoster, someone who’s had a bad day, or someone who’s had a great day – York’s array of reds and a splendid rose have been part of many such occasions.

I swear by their Cab Sauv, Cab Merlot, and Rose. If you take my advice and go to Perch to have a glass/bottle of York, I’d pair the Cab Sauv with piping hot Pumpkin Ravioli.


The former events manager, and PR and Marketing executive decided to give up the good life, to take on something greater- running her own start-up. Give her a non-fiction book, some place in the outdoors, running shoes, Bombay Bicycle Club and Jay Z, and you've got a happy camper.