INR 100 for Parking? Woes to Multiply in South Delhi

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As if living, commuting and partying in South Delhi wasn’t already a costly affair, now parking cars will increase your woes manifold. But there’s a solution too, and honestly, it’s a good thing!

Mohit Sharma from Hindustan Times wrote in this report that the South Delhi Municipal Corporation {SDMC} is planning to ‘increase parking charges on surface lots up to INR 100 per hour’. This is to motivate residents to use multi-level car parking facilities in the city. This will also discourage commuters from using their own vehicles, helping decongest roads as well as lowering pollution levels.

Currently, writes Mohit Sharma, the parking charges are 20 bucks an hour {up till five hours} and INR 100 for 24 hours. The proposal is yet to be finalised, but we hope that it comes through, for we’d love to make South Delhi a little more breathable with our daily efforts.

We hear that the increase in only going to show up near multi-level parking lots and on surface parking lots. {The SDMC has 78 surface-level parking lots that can accommodate around 17,000 vehicles, according to the report}.

“People have the wrong idea that multi-level parking is expensive. Easy and cheap availability of parking space on roads is another major factor for these lots remaining empty,” an official told HT. We agree completely and we’re glad that the words of change are blowing in the city.

Read the complete report by HT here.


A full time enthusiast of the 'gram', Kasturi paints and writes on her eponymous blog. She's looking to establish herself in a stable job despite her impending and current existential quarter life crisis. Not having stayed in one place for too long, she muses about the Arts and has an astronomical appetite for, well, food.