Monsoon Is Coming: Get Your Hands On This Game Of Thrones Umbrella

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It’s getting rainy and we love it. What we don’t love is our blow-dries getting washed away. Solution? Umbrellas. Kehklo’s doing a bunch of funky designer umbrellas to make it just a tad easier to face the showers in style.

Under My Umbrella

The brand’s currently got a limited but fun collection of umbrellas. The Game Of Thrones one with all the logos of the various houses takes the cake, we’re also liking the bright orange beer-themed one, the one with the artsy face and the one featuring all the famous rock bands, in a jumble.

It might be worth a look-see to see which one you want to be chilling under.

So, We're Saying...

Colours and artsy touches, Kehklo’s a safe bet for all of you looking for monsoon accessories.

Price: Starting at INR 599

Shop online here.


Editor @ LBB/ Poker Face/ Cakehead/ Momo Sapien/ Lip balm hoarder/ Pro online shopper/ Puppy Person/ Explorer of all things food & drinks 🍸